Saturday, September 11, 2010

I remember...

I remember being called down to the auditorium in the middle of second period.
I remember being told that a plane had crashed into the pentagon.
I remember not taking it seriously (being 15 will do that to you).
I remember one of the front office nuns running on stage to whisper in our Principal's ear that a plane had hit the first tower.
I remember starting to take it seriously.
I remember being told to go about our day as usual-but watching the news in every class instead.
I remember watching that first tower fall.
My stomach dropping.
My heart dropping.
I remember watching the second tower fall.
The heartache.
The devastation.
I remember hearing that 2 planes were unaccounted for.
One of those planes was thought to be heading here.
Downtown was evacuated.
I worried about my Dad.
I worried about Betsey Johnson (she was the only person in NY i could think of).
I remember the silence in the halls.
The eerie sound of nothing.
I remember being sad that day and wondering if the Dashboard show would be cancelled that weekend.

I didn't know I had no idea.

Maybe its my age, the fact that I am now a Mother or a Military wife, but my perspective has changed on the happenings of 9-11. The fear is replaced with a need. A need to change. To teach others love and acceptance. Those who attacked us on OUR FREE SOIL that my family defends daily will answer to a greater power than the USA. I understand that it is out of our hands. My only hope is that our generation can teach the next that love conquers all and that war will be obsolete.
I understand these things.
But my heart stands behind my country, my family, our freedom.
I will never forget.
We will never forget.

To all those who lost loved ones on that day and the many days after-my heart and prayers go out to you.

Friday, August 20, 2010

So, its been a while!

7 months to be exact! The last few months have been a crazy whirl wind of adventures ranging from raising a hell raiser to getting orders to Fl (and then not...) to transitioning to a (mostly) stay at home mom to almost getting separated.

And its time for a change. And i can feel my soul is ready for it. And i think that for the first time ever I'M ready for the same time.

This picture is of 3 generations of awesome :) taken over my birthday weekend at the beginning of the month!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

13 days.

13 days until my life changes.
a drastic, wild change.
i will finally come face to face with my future-what i've waited so long for will finally BE.
i'm scared shitless, yet so so ready.

alright, little lady, get ready for the time of your life!